June 2013

A few of my favourite Facebook posts of the week…

tears of joy





I wonder how many people believe they now own an authentic, signed copy of the bible…


Click here for full story at The Daily Kos.

It was bound to happen. Employees of Clear Channel, present and past are feeling empowered by public support and letting loose the skeletons in the radio stations bigotry closets. Guess the Clear Channel Execs can’t hide behind the facade of pointing to Rush and saying IT’S ALL HIS FAULT! HE DID IT!

You just can’t pass racism and bigotry off as plump, fresh apples forever. Eventually the fake colouring starts to run, exposing the rotten fruit inside for what it really is.


Hey Rush – I got a message for you:

clear channel bigots


In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Marriage Equality today Michelle Bachman was quoted as saying:

“Marriage was created by the hand of God. No man, not even a Supreme Court, can undo what a holy God has instituted.”

Oops…No Doma

The new banner above is San Francisco City Hall during the last Gay Pride Week. I’m pretty sure it’s a look that’s coming back real soon.


It seems another female senator was responsible for actually getting the vote delayed past the midnight deadline, as Lt. Gov. Dewhurst successfully ended Wendy Davis’ epic filibuster prior to midnight (by claiming she’d gathered a third breach) in enough time to call for a vote. But Wendy Davis was not the only female senator in the room…

State Senator Leticia Van de Putte stood up and posed this question:.

“At what point must a female Senator raise her hand or her voice to be recognized over her male colleagues in the room?”

The crowd cheered for fifteen minutes – just long enough for the clock to run past midnight nullifying any hope of a senate vote.

The Daily Beast has the full story here.

Buzzfeed has the story on the timestamp swap – yes – it actually happened. Republicans actually tried to change the timestamp to make the senate vote valid. (Click Bussfeed above for link to full story.) And just to be clear. this is tampering with official documents – and completely illegal. If Texans don’t prosecute the culprits most of us will be very disappointed.

Texas-timestamp[Click image to enlarge]


From the NYTimes:
AUSTIN, Tex. — Hours after claiming that they successfully passed some of the toughest abortion restrictions in the country, Republican lawmakers in Texas reversed course on Wednesday and said a disputed late-night vote on the bill did not follow legislative procedures, rendering the vote moot and giving Democrats a bitterly fought if probably short-lived victory. 

Original post:
From Facebook:


Because when the cries of the people go against your personal party loyalties, well it’s only right that you tweak the rules to fit what the party wants – right?

]Texas 2

…for moments like this:

Shameful Supremes

Someone on Facebook got it right…




Image courtesy of…goleftLike the Go Left page to get in on their daily feed

Scarey thought…

train wreck 2

Kim Kardashian bombs again.

Naming your brand new daughter North because her father’s last name is West should be grounds for child protective services to step in and smack both parents upside the head with restraining orders.

I’m just saying.

Bad Wedding Photo

“And we shall name our first daughter Lotta Horse, after my bride, her mother…”

This is a coherent, intelligent and fair look back at how religion has affected the face of not just America but of the entire Western civilization. It’s a wonderful fifty minute crash course in how to stand up to the religious moral majority who have decided *their* belief is more valid than yours or mine.

Make a sandwich, pour a cuppa and settle in. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.



If you don’t have time to watch the entire lecture, at least skip to 42:54
This is the beginning of AronRa’s unveiling of the true nature of the Tea Party and the segment opens with this very uncomfortable yet accurate and compelling rationale:

Before you say your country would never do that… take a look at what your country has already done

Gave me goosebumps.

James Gandolfini of the Sopranos fame, dies at age 51. I found this interview to be a fitting send-off.

Interview pt 1

interview pt 2

Full Story Here:
(If you can stomach it, there’s a video of his remarks to the House at the end.)

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder in Texas…

Idiotic Abortion Argument

Oh and here’s the thing. The subject of masturbation in the bible was interpreted at one point in history as a death penalty offense. At another juncture, it was considered a sin that would send one straight to hell.

So here we are at that same crossroads we find ourselves so often when trying to work out a Bible-thumping Republican argument:

Save the fetus. Kill the man.

Perhaps this bizarre thinking is what has led to this:

Republicans Coming Apart

One can only hope.

Jason Easley is my new hero.

What’s the fuss? Evidently, during a Live, unrecorded, un-taped, un-videod Las Vegas performance, Bill Maher did it again by referring to Trig Palin as the ‘R’ word. This got back to Palin who donned her mamma bear outfit (presumably better looking than her current set of wigs) and tweeted a series of threats to the unsuspecting comic and of course – blamed every person to the left of her party.

Politicus USA has the full story – click the link at the top. It’s a brilliant take-down and one she wholeheartedly deserves 🙂