More than 12 women have come forward to say Bill Cosby raped them when they were younger. Bill Cosby. Our Bill Cosby.

I-Spy-BookBill Cosby has been there my whole life. From his stand-up comic days in San Francisco Night Clubs through three seasons of I Spy to an entire generation of Cliff Huxtabel on the Cosby Show. I had all his stand-up comedy records from the early years and can still hear his voice complaining about his little brother Russell and it still makes me laugh out loud.

But the fact remains, more than 12 women have come forward to say Bill Cosby raped them when they were younger. So before you dismiss all these women as nutjobs and kooks because you just can’t bring yourself to believe your (our) beloved Bill Cosby was ever a monster, maybe just hang back and do the math.

If half of these women are gold diggers looking for 15 minutes of fame, that leaves at least six women who might be telling the truth. If only half of them are liars, that leaves three.

If only one of these women is telling the truth – that’s still one woman telling the truth. And if the claim of getting teenage girls drunk so Cosby could take advantage of them sexually is true for even one young lady – that’s still one young lady too many.

It isn’t widely known, but cute little Jerry Lewis used to have paid call-girls waiting for him in his dressing room when he was live on stage. And they were paid well because rumour had it that he was pretty mean to them. This came out one year during a telethons.  It later proved to be true.

So I’m just speculating here but I think (looking back) there was an era of entitlement that accompanied stardom. And it wouldn;’t surprise me to learn that incredibly powerful, highly energetic, creative men came with a dark side the public is never meant to see.

And the only reason it’s all coming out now is because we’ve gotten very bad at sweeping things under the rug. And very good at teaching our daughters to stand up for themselves and not be bullied by power.

If only one of these women is telling the truth, then odds are Bill Cosby had more than one victim. I’m just going to sit quietly in a corner and let that sink in for a bit.

When his later biographies were written, (and I apologize for not being able to pinpoint which bio holds this bit of info) it came out that the comic Jerry Lewis, in his younger years as TV host during the MDA marathon telethons  (which still raises millions of dollars annually) had on demand and waiting in the wings, daily, a prostitute with whom the star could – umm – unwind between sets. It was rather nonchalantly reported this was the famous comic’s habitual behaviour during any road trip or tour.

If one were to do the math on the number of days per year Jerry Lewis was on tour and hosting these telethons, one could possibly surmise that the Tiger Woods charge of having sexual relations with 120 women all up would only make the golfer look like a rookie.

I’m also going to go out on a limb here and guess that not many of you reading this ever heard this bit of trivia regarding Jerry Lewis before, or if you have, it’s one of those memories so inconsequential it’s going to take more than one tug to bring it to the front of your brain. Because – it used to be – information like this just wasn’t considered newsworthy. It might have been mentioned in a small column after page three, but it never would have made the front line-up.

I don’t know where today’s puritanical reporters get their criteria for stories, but I can tell you that historically, rock stars, muscisians, movie-stars, comics, out-of-town businessmen and politicians all routinely sleep around. When you add their individual incidences up at the end of the year, and then again at the end of a decade, I’m guessing 120 is around – normal.

120 women? Mormons can have that many wives. Shieks can have that many concubines. Hell, during the sixties in California, that was just a good weekend.

Mainstream media needs to stop trying to drum up business where there really isn’t any and start focusing on events which actually affect our lives. It’s not like Tiger Woods is running for president. Although if he did, I’m sure he could count on at least 120 votes.

Stop gawking MSM. Let the man play golf and get back to work.

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